Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 3 phone call

We got the phone call from the doctor's office around 9:30 a.m. and the nurse said that we are definately going to do a day 5 transfer (meaning Wednesday). She said that 7 of the 8 have grown and that they are all so good. She actually said that they are doing so well it would be impossible to pick the best 2 out of them so they want to wait until Wednesday to see if we can weed out the weaker ones. We are so ecstatic! It's crazy to think that we have babies growing right now! We want as many as possible to grow so that we can have the others frozen and do this again in a couple years. I'm so excited that they are doing so well and it's so hard knowing we have to wait 2 more days to find out how they're doing again! Of course we did all the phone calls that we do everytime we find out something new. Jerry, Sandy, mom, Jami, Lisa, Mary... it's fun keeping everyone updated and they all get so excited. I think I'm in shock a little at the idea that I could be pregnant in 2 days. This is what I've always wanted and what I've been waiting for for so long and so now that it's actually here it seems so surreal! We do know that there's a good chance that it won't work and we keep that in the back of our mind but we are so hopeful and positive. For my age and all of my numbers we have a 67% chance of it working and a 40% chance of having twins (which of course we'd be ecstatic to find out!) so we just keep thinking that it will go our way....... it has to! So now we wait until Wednesday for them to call us and let us know what time to come in for the transfer. Yay!!!!!!

(As for how I'm feeling.... I am on Lovenox injections every morning which I have to make sure with the doctor that my reaction is normal. I have welts the size of half dollars everywhere that I have injected and they itch. I think that I had the same reaction when I did these last year but I'm not sure. I had an allergic reaction to heparin so they had switched me to Lovenox. I'm really hoping this reaction is okay because if it's an allergy we're screwed. Lovenox and heparin are the only injectible forms and the pills cause birth defects... one more thing to stress about! I am also extremely tired- more than usual- and am not sleeping well at night and I'm getting so FAT! Other than that I take the dexamethasone every morning also and I take prenatals, fabb, and aspirin every evening. I finished my z-pak last night and tonight Tony has to give me a shot of hydroxyprogesterone again. It is a good time around here!)