Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dr. W calls

Dr. W called me on Monday to ask me about the reaction on my stomach. I told him all about it and he said that he was going to check on some things and call me back. He called me back and said that he consulted with the high risk doctor and that the other doctor sees no reason why I should continue taking the Lovenox at this time. That my antibodies were out of range but not by much and so the baby aspirin should be enough. Whew! Someone who finally has an answer and reasons for it! Then Dr. W also ordered some bloodwork to check the antibodies again and make sure that they aren't higher (I suppose) and he also ordered the entire auto-immune panel.

I went yesterday (Tuesday) to get my blood drawn for Dr. W and also my baseline beta hcg and other things for Dr. A's office. So, now I just wait until tomorrow (Thursday) to do another beta hcg and find out if the first one doubles and if it does then I am pregnant!!!! Though Nurse C did tell me a little something today but I'm not telling! We have told everyone that we are testing the end of next week so that we could atleast surprise them a little. That way if we are pregnant we can surprise them sooner and if we're not then we'd have some time to absorb it. It's hard with IVF because you can't really keep it from anyone with how much you have to do, how much you have to miss work, the moods, the tiredness, the sickness. So everyone knows. It's not like finding out naturally and waiting until you're in the clear to tell everyone and there is that fear of having to tell so many people it didn't work or even, God forbid, a miscarriage. But... we are thinking positive thoughts! And as for right now I have one foot on cloud nine and really hope tomorrow I can jump all the way on and do a dance!