Friday, May 29, 2009

ER today!!!!

It is 7:30 and I cannot sleep in because I am too excited about going in for ER at 11:00! Tony is so excited also but he's sure snoring away in there. I'm wondering what it will be like. I know I will be out but from what I've read some people are a little sore and some people hurt like crazy... I'm hoping for a little sore myself. I'm also really excited about seeing Dr. W since I have not delt with him since we decided to go with IVF and he is my specialist. He will do retrieval and transfer which I am happy about... we really love him. I am terrible at waiting for the unknown. I keep imagining how many eggs we'll get. I know Dr. A said maybe 10, Tony is thinking 6, but I'm really hoping for 12 - 15. I really, really, really want to have atleast 3 or 4 to freeze. I'm not trying to be greedy but I'm afraid once it comes down to it Tony will not want to spend the money again down the road and I want more kids. Even if it's hard I think the end justifies the means. I haven't been able to have anything to drink since before midnight and it's so rough because I had a sore throat to begin with and now after sleeping all night and not having any water it feels as though I am swallowing barbed wire. Mmmmm, doesn't that sound pleasant?! Well, I'm guess I'm going to go lay down and try to fall asleep for the next 2 hours. Keep growing guys, keep growing!!!