Sunday, May 17, 2009

A little worried but I think it will be fine.

So, until Friday I had no idea that we had something else to worry about. I had my baseline u/s on Tuesday and my last birth control on Monday and my calendar said to expect period on wed, thurs, or fri. I called my nurse on Friday (who is out of town until next Friday... good to know) and ended up speaking with a different nurse. She said that it was okay that I hadn't started yet and that about 1/2 of her patients hadn't and not to worry. She said that I should start over the weekend and to email her when I did and if I didn't start to call her on Monday. I asked if I didn't start by Monday if it was a problem and she said "yes, there would be nothing we could do". What?! We finally thought we were in the clear and now we have one more thing to sit and wait for knowing that it could ruin our chance for this month. I know that if it didn't work out then we would just try another cycle but I really, really, really want to make it in this one. It works out perfect that it will happen my last week of school and that I would have a week to rest and take it easy before summer school. Not to mention that we want a baby yesterday! So, neither one of us would tell the other one how nervous we were for the past couple days and then finally late last night (of course my body and it's sick sense of humor waited until the last possible minute!) I started!!!!!! For a year and a half we prayed I wouldn't start and here we were praying I would thinking it's the best thing that's happened to us. Ahhh... now it's just sitting back and waiting until the 26th. I really hope there are no more obstacles... we're getting a little sick of them ;) I have awful cramps and can't help smiling about it!!!

Now getting ready to go watch Jordan and Cohen and take them to a birthday party with my mom!