Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Quick Update...

Yesterday was our ultrasound and everything looked great. I don't know for sure how many follicles there were but the doctor figures there are around 10 "good" ones. Meaning that there are 10 that are good size and will probably have mature eggs in them. Though there could end up being more. They said I needed to do 2 more vials of Bravelle and come back Wednesday for another u/s and would probably have my trigger shot on Thursday and retrieval on Saturday. Tony and I went back today (Wednesday) and were very happy to see that they had grown more and now the doctor said I will have my trigger shot tonight and retrieval on Friday! We were so excited! My body finally did what it was supposed to do and everything looks so good. My estradiol was around 1800 which he said was good also. So now I take my trigger shot (Ovudrel) tonight at 10:00 p.m. and start my z-pak, fast after midnight tomorrow (Thursday), and go in at 11:00 a.m. on Friday to have retrieval at noon. We went into Ms. Personalities office (a nurse who is not mine that we've had to deal with the last 2 days and she pretty much sucks) and she went over what I have to do at home for the next 2 days. It's odd to Tony and I that you would allow people to work for you that are not overflowing with kindness or enthusiasm when their patients are having to pay such ridiculous amounts of money. Anyway, Dr. A also said that he will probably do a 5 day transfer which I am a little surprised about. I thought (from everything I have read and heard from them) that they look at them on day 3 and day 5 to see when they are ready. So it's a little confusing to me that he would already have decided to do 5 day instead of waiting to see what they are doing on day 3... strange. If he for sure does a 5 day transfer then they will be put in next Wednesday. I can't wait to hear from them when they are growing and to see the pictures of the embryos that are doing well... it's so crazy this whole process! So now we will see how it goes on Friday!! I am very sore tonight after that poking and prodding he does on my ovaries. I told T it felt like my right one was in my rib cage but he's pretty sure it isn't. They do feel like they weigh about 10 lbs each though and it's a really weird feeling. I also can't sleep very well which I think is due to the Lupron. I fall asleep but I wake up constantly throughout the night and according to T I'm very restless. But since I'm done with the Lupron maybe my sleep will be better... let's hope so.

Tony and I are so excited about everything and he is being so funny. We went to lunch after my u/s both days and he keeps referring to everything we do as a "10 egg celebration"! We went to get ice cream and the whole way home he drank his shake saying we were having a "10 egg celebration". He's such a dork! Tuesday night he also rubbed my stomach and really tried to give it a pep talk. I absolutely cannot wait to tell him he's going to be a dad... he deserves it so much and he will be such a good one. (He will be a crazy dad but they will love him so much!)