Tuesday, May 19, 2009


As of the past week everything is an emotional struggle. I'm pretty sure that anyone else who acted and felt the way I do would most likely end up being committed but I'm still allowed to function in society... scary! I don't feel angry or anything but I can't have much normal conversation without getting all choked up. And if you know me you know that I'm pretty emotional anyway so imagine my norm mulitplied by about 1000! It's a good thing Tony is so good about things because when I do get angry (and let's face it... psycho) it's always directed at him. (Though I cannot say it is entirely my fault.) It seems kindergarten is a struggle for me today. Normally I think "great job... they're only 5 and doing so well".... today though I'm thinking "it's a freaking apple, how can you not know how to cut an apple?!!! Just cut the apple!!! Here give me the apple and I'll cut it!" Of course all of this screaming is only in my head and I just smile and say "good job". See what I mean? CRAZY. :) What a headcase!!

I hope they can hold a straight line in the hallway cause who knows what will go down in my head! ;)